My name is Julia, and I’ve been riding the wave of challenges and emotions that comes with being a Defence and Veteran partner since 2012. My husband and I met in 2012 while we were each home visiting family. I was on uni break and he was 10 days out from deployment – timing!

Living the defence life is a hard slog and there is plenty to learn along the way. My own journey has very much been through the dark, but I have always looked for ways to assist and support others where I can so that their journey doesn’t have to be – hence, The Home Post! A place for me to connect, support, encourage and empower fellow Defence Partners and families through resources.

Unlike my own Defence Partner journey, which was largely through the dark and reliant on my spouse ingenuity, THP was developed so you don’t have to fumble your way through the dark.

THP will also be a community for other Partners to engage, connect and share sage advice and wisdom that we’ve learned and can impart for others about the life we live as Defence Partners.

No journey is the same and mine is no exception. I hope that by sharing some retrospective learnings it may create encouragement and maybe even normalise the struggle of being a Defence Partner for others.

Let’s start the conversation!